Cue The "I'm Coming Home" Tribute Videos! Joe Flacco Has Signed With The Philadelphia Eagles

Mitchell Leff. Getty Images.

Joe Flacco, baby! He's our baby! Just a kid from South Jersey coming back home to ride his career out to the sunset with another Super Bowl ring to slap on his hand. 

Throughout our time on this planet as a species, history has often had a knack of repeating itself. So when the Philadelphia Eagles won Super Bowl LII, how did they do it? Simple. By having the most elite backup QB in the league. Big Dick Nick hung dong all over Atlanta, all over Minnesota, and then all over New England to win the first Super Bowl in franchise history. So now that Carson Wentz is out of town and Jalen Hurts has the keys to the offense, that opened up a need for another backup QB with a massive hog. No offense to Nasty Nate Sudfeld but he's clearly not that guy. So enter the Audubon native and Delaware grad, Joe Flacco. 

I said it before and I'll say it again. If the Eagles are serious about actually giving Jalen Hurts a chance to become the true QB1 of this team, he's going to need a real mentor. Someone who has experience winning at the highest level, but won't necessarily be a real threat to take his job as the starting QB of this team. If the Eagles made a trade for Nick Foles again, it would be an absolute disaster because every other caller on 97.5 and 94.1 would be bitching about putting him in the game. But Flacco? I mean I know that this city has a thing for falling in love with backups, but I can't imagine the immediate urge to beg for him to get playing time will be there. So he can mentor Jalen, only cost $3.5M, and get to live back in his childhood home and maybe even wear his Letterman's jacket everywhere he goes. It's the perfect signing. 

For the first time in a long time, I seriously think this organization made the right call. I still don't have a lick of faith in Howie and Lurie, but it's nice for something to happen for this team that doesn't make me want to repeatedly punch myself in the scrotum. Now all that's left is for the Phillies to trade for Trout. 


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